- 2T ...!!!
Publicaciones educativas. Mis graficos publicados trato de identificar lo que parece quiere hacer la tendencia con los respectivos rompimientos de soportes y resistencias en combinacion con estudios tecnicos. No hago sugerencias de compra o venta, trato de operar lo que estoy viendo no lo que creo pueda ocurrir.
miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009
jueves, 23 de abril de 2009
DOW Diario
miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009
lunes, 20 de abril de 2009
viernes, 17 de abril de 2009
jueves, 16 de abril de 2009
martes, 14 de abril de 2009
lunes, 13 de abril de 2009
lunes, 6 de abril de 2009
S&P Diario
- De no respetar 62 fib podriamos ir por proyeccion niveles de los 200 emas
- Zona de alta resistencia 62 fib y 100 emas
- 76 fib zona de 3T
- Pendientes cruce de emas y en la correccion muy pendientes de los 21 emas como soporte...!!!
- Atentos DN con referencia de los dos ultimos maximos
DOW Diario
- De no respetar el 62 fib podriamos ir por la proyeccion
- Atentos cruce emas
- 100 emas actuando como resistencia
- Proyeccion a nivel de los 200 emas
- Atentos DN con referencia dos ultimos maximos
viernes, 3 de abril de 2009
jueves, 2 de abril de 2009
SPY Diario
miércoles, 1 de abril de 2009
DOW Mensual
Fuente. Tuttle Asset Management, LLC
- J.P. Morgan forms U.S. Steel after buying Carnegie Steel for $500 million
- King Camp Gillette invents the double edge safety razor
- Hubert Booth invents a compact and modern vacuum cleaner
- The first radio receiver successfully received a radio transmission
- Willis Carrier invents the air conditioner
- Wright brothers conduct first sustained powered flight
- NYC subway opens
- William Kellogg invents cornflakes
- Color photography is invented by Auguste & Louis Lumiere
- Immigration peaks in the U.S. to 9 million in the 1900s; dropped when WWI started
- Henry Ford invents the "Model T which would sell for $700-$900
- Thomas Edison invents the talking motion picture
- Charles Franklin Kettering invents the first automobile electrical ignition system
- Supreme Court orders breakup of private monopoly Standard Oil
- The motorized motion picture camera is invented and replaces hand-cranked cameras
- Titanic sinks taking with it many of Wall Street's elite
- Ford introduces the assembly line
- The Federal Reserve is formed to provide stability to the financial markets
- Panama Canal opens facilitating trade between North and South America
- Archduke Ferdinand assassinated - start of WWI
- (Aug. - Dec.) All of the world markets closed, including the NYSE, because of massive selling to return money to Europe ahead of WWI
- German submarine sinks the British Lusitania and gave U.S. incentive to enter WWI
- U.S. enters WWI
- Russian Czar Nicholas II and his family are killed
- The super-heterodyne radio circuit is invented by Edwin Howard Armstrong which is still used today by every radio and television
- Treaty of Versailles Ends World War I
- Prohibition begins in the United States and is terminated in 1933
- Women given the right to vote
- Extreme inflation in Germany post WWI
- Radio station WEAF owned by AT&T in NYC broadcasts first radio ad
- Garrett A. Morgan invents a traffic signal
- First Olympic Winter Games in France
- The mechanical television is invented by John Logie Baird
- Adolf Hitler publishes Mein Kampf
- Robert H. Goddard invents the liquid fueled rocket
- JWA Morrison invents the first quartz crystal watch
- Technicolor, a method for making color motion pictures, is invented
- Complete electronic TV system is invented by Philo Taylor Farnsworth
- Penicillin is invented by Alexander Fleming to treat infections
- Paul Galvin invents the car radio
- The Great Crash (Oct. 24-29) largely as a function of investors buying stocks on credit which led to banks failing and personal bankruptcies
- An early form of a computer is invented (still analog at the time) known as the "differential analyzer," by Vannevar Bush at MIT
- The jet engine is invented by Frank Whittle and Dr. Hans Von Ohain
- Scotch tape is invented by Richard G. Drew at the 3M Corp.
- Stop action photography is invented by Harold Edgerton
- Depression-era securities laws establish the FDIC and SEC; R. Hollingshead builds prototype drive-in movie theater
- Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
- FDR passes legislation creating the Federal Housing Administration which brought stability to the mortgage market by insuring loans
- The radar is patented by Robert Watson-Watt
- John Maynard Keynes suggests new economic theory supporting interventionist government policy
- FDR signs into legislation social security which provides benefits for disability, retirement, and death
- First DC-3 flight
- Bell labs invents the first voice recognition machine
- Hoover Dam completed
- UAW state their first sit-down strikes
- The photocopier is invented by Chester F. Carlson
- The first working turbo prop engine is invented
- First commercial television broadcast
- Igor Sikorsky invents the first helicopter
- Hewlett and Packard headquarter their company in Palo Alto, Ca with the hopes of creating a new technology community
- World War II begins
- Peter Goldmark invents the modern color television
- Karl Pabst invents the Jeep
- The first computer controlled by software is invented by Conrad Zuse
- The U.S. is attacked by Japan at Pearl Harbor - U.S. enters WWII
- Women work at Kaiser’s WWII shipyards surpassing expectations
- Willem Kolff invents the kidney dialysis machine
- D-Day - Western allied nations liberate Europe from Nazi control
- Bretton Woods agreement outlined the rules for global commercial and financial transactions; IMF and World Bank established
- FDR signs the GI Bill of Rights which gave returning war veterans favorable loans and the opportunity to get an education
- The atomic bomb is invented under the code name "Manhattan project" and dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- Coke becomes a global brand during WWII
- The microwave is invented by Percy Spencer
- Baby Boom begins
- Government creates the Employment Act which seeks “to promote maximum employment, production, and purchasing power”
- Marshall Plan enacted to help European nations recover from WWII
- The Tupperware seal is invented by Earl Silas Tupper
- Transistor invented by 3 Bell Scientists - transistor is the key to all modern electronics because of its small size and low cost to mass produce
- Communist movement in China
- Senator Joseph McCarthy begins communist witch hunt
- First patent for the bar code, hydrogen bomb built by Edward Teller
- Transistor radio invented by Texas Instruments
- McDonalds started by Ray Kroc
- Optic fiber was patented by Basil Hirschowitz, C. Wilbur Peters, and Lawrence E. Curtiss
- Eisenhower creates the interstate system
- First computer hard disk used
- Trend toward globalization - first Japanese car (Toyota) sold in U.S.
- European Economic Community established
- Bank of America launches first credit card
- Eisenhower signs a bill creating NASA
- Modem, integrated circuit, and laser invented
- Fidel Castro becomes dictator of Cuba
- Bowling "boom" sweeps across America and bowling alleys begin to pop up in new suburban areas
- Microchip invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce
- Berlin Wall built which divided West Berlin and East Germany
- Kroc buys McDonald’s
- Cuban missile crisis
- Audio cassette invented
- Grand opening of first Wal-Mart
- JFK assassinated; Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech
- Equal Pay Act signed into legislation to address discriminatory practices in the workplace
- BASIC, an early computer language, is invented
- Civil Rights Act enacted
- Compact disk, Astroturf, and Kevlar invented
- U.S. sends troops to Vietnam
- Medicare signed into law by President Johnson to provide health insurance for elders
- Vietnam riots rage across country as radical groups such as the Black Panther Party are formed
- Electronic fuel injection for cars invented
- Computer mouse, first computer with integrated circuits made, and Random Access Memory created
- Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated
- Tet offensive launched by the U.S. and South Vietnam against North Vietnam and the National Liberation Front
- President Johnson’s “Texas-sized” spending spurs domestic inflation
- First version of internet, ATM, and bar code scanner invented
- Neil Armstrong becomes first man on the moon
- Floppy disk invented by Alan Shugart
- Xerox establishes its Palo Alto Research Center
- U.S. begins to run a trade deficit
- Dox-matrix printer invented, LCD, microprocessor by Intel, VCR
- Intel invents the single-chip microprocessor
- Southwest Airlines opens for business
- Terrorist attacks at the Olympic Games in Munich
- Watergate scandal begins and ends with President Nixon's resignation
- Word processor, first video game invented
- Black-Scholes option pricing model introduced
- Fed Ex begins operation
- Gene splicing, Ethernet (local computer network) by Robert Metcalfe and Xerox
- Abortion legalized; U.S. pulls out of Vietnam
- First Oil Shock occurs when OPEC cuts its delivery to nations that supported Israel in its conflict with Syria and Egypt
- Pres. Ford signs the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), establishing the minimum standards for pension benefits
- Microsoft founded by Bill Gates
- Wall Street’s fixed commissions end to allow for competition among brokers (discount brokers flourished)
- MRI invented by Raymond V. Damadian
- California asbestos lawsuits; Second Oil Shock heightens during the Iran hostage crisis
- Toys R Us revives employee stock options and benefits from the Reagan tax cuts in the early 80's
- Cellular phones, Cray supercomputer, walkman, roller blades invented
- Paul Volcker becomes Chairman of Fed
- Gene patenting allowed by Supreme Court
- Government bails out Chrysler from bankruptcy
- Reagan elected President – tax cuts to follow
- Microsoft is called upon to provide the IBM operating system
- MS-DOS invented, first IBM-PC, scanning tunneling microscope
- New plague identified as AIDS
- Reagan fires federal air traffic controllers
- Human growth hormone genetically engineered
- AT&T is broken up because its size prevented competition among telephone service providers
- CD-ROM, Apple Macintosh invented
- Windows invented by Microsoft
- Challenger space shuttle explodes
- Black Monday (Oct. 19) - The DJIA dropped more than 20% as programmed selling was a major reason to blame for the sharp sell-off
- Digital cellular phones, abortion pill, Prozac invented
- Savings and loans crisis peaks (along with the decline in the real estate market, two factors that caused recession of 1990-91)
- High-definition television invented
- Symbolic ending to Cold War with the fall of the Berlin Wall and a modern day victory for free market capitalism
- World Wide Web/Internet protocol and WWW language created
- Operation Desert Storm occurs in an effort to liberate Kuwait from Iraq
- Digital answering machine invented
- World Trade Center bombed by an Islamist terrorist group al-Qaeda
- Pentium processor invented
- HIV protease inhibitor created that reduces the ability of the HIV virus to proliferate
- Mexican peso crisis
- Java computer language, DVD invented
- Oklahoma City bombing
- Netscape goes public
- Web TV invented
- Korean Financial crisis
- Clinton impeached; India & Pakistan Test Nuclear Weapons
- Russian Ruble collapse; the demise of Long Term Capital Management; Asian Tiger Crisis
- Brazil defaults on debt
- The Euro becomes the New European Currency; Fear of Y2K
- NASDAQ "bubble" burst
- Presidential election between Bush and Gore goes to Supreme Court for decision on Florida recount
- WTC destroyed by terrorists linked to al-Qaeda
- Accounting scandals hit corporate America - Enron's Jeffrey Skilling and Kenneth Lay made an example
- U.N. Security Council passes resolution demanding Iraq to disarm
- Another wave of accounting scandals surface: Tyco's Dennis Kozlowski and WorldCom's Bernard Ebbers (these scandals shook investor confidence and contributed to the market downturn in 2001 and 2002)
- WorldCom files for bankruptcy in July marking the largest corporate insolvency ever
- New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer begins to leverage his authority to investigate unethical practices of corporations
- Nanotechnology wearable fabrics invented by Nano-tex LLC; Virtual keyboard invented by Canesta and VKB
- SARS outbreak in Asia
- Iraqi regime under Saddam Hussein falls
- Toyota's hybrid car developed
- Radical Muslim terrorist group destroys Madrid's commuter railway and several trains
- Accounting scandal surfaces against AIG and CEO Hank Greenberg
- Hurricanes Rita and Katrina devastate the Gulf Coast
- Ben Bernanke replaces Alan Greenspan as Federal Reserve Chairman
- Oil prices eclipse $78 a barrel amid conflict between Israel and Lebanon
- Democrats take control of Congress after mid term elections